The Swedish Art & Business Association?
- Increased collaboration between cultural practitioners and companies strengthens the creativity of both, which leads to better development and profitability.
- Facilitates and develops profitable collaborations between culture and business.
- Awards the best collaborative project between culture and business during the past year.
- Forms opinion for better conditions for collaborations between culture and business.
- Culture will in relative numbers and often also in absolute numbers receive less money from the public sector, which is why we have to find other sources/collaborations.
- Companies today need to show a commitment towards society.
- Philanthropic sponsorship belongs to history in addition to local charity, mainly in smaller towns to show that you are a good citizen.
- All cooperation between companies and culture must be based on common business benefits in order for it to be successful and long-term.
- Cultural collaboration can be profitable, improve brand value and increase involvement from the employees more than other collaborations.
- Decision-makers in companies often find it difficult to get assistance finding profitable projects and to approach cultural practitioners.
- The outside world today expects companies to be more involved in cultural and social issues.
- K&N can help companies choose cultural projects and which ones to refrain from.
- K&N can show how to make cultural collaborations profitable and long-term.
- Companies can participate in the annual awarding of the Swedish Arts & Business Award (SABA) for the best collaboration between companies and culture during the past year and learn about successful examples.
- Companies need an organization that works for and with the development of profitable collaborations between culture and business.
- Culture needs funding from sources other than the public sector and collaborations that develop its own profitability in the long term.
- Representatives of the culture are assisted in describing what they do so that the companies understand what mutual benefit a collaboration can provide.
- K&N can show how to make business collaborations profitable and long-term.
- The cultural practitioners get to participate in the annual distribution of SABA and thereby learn about successful examples.
- Culture needs an organization that works for and with the development of profitable collaborations between culture and business.
- K&N exists to drive and develop issues around collaborations between culture and business - exactly in the same way as e.g. The chambers of commerce work for their members.
- K&N exists for actors to be able to have someone about cooperation between culture and business and how it should be designed to be good and productive.
- K&N is there to help you design / develop a profitable collaboration between culture and business - among other things. using K & N's Culture Score Card tool.
- K&N is there to be able to, through its award - SABA - reward the best collaborations during the past year between culture and business.
- K&N is available to arrange seminars and provide consulting services regarding collaborations, etc. between culture and business.
- K&N exists to pursue public opinion regarding the value of and the societal conditions for collaborations between culture and business.