Contact us

Postal and visiting address:
Sveavägen 9 Plan 17
111 57 Stockholm

Anders Boman

Mobile: +46 (0)73-544 09 05

A social entrepreneur with a background as a teacher, school starter, marketer, club director, company CEO & consultant.

André Chocron

Vice precident

Mobile: +46 (0)704-473 565

Business-oriented entrepreneur and senior consultant with a focus on creativity, culture and community involvement

Finance and invoicing matters:

Unless otherwise stated, the following invoice address applies:
N&K Service AB, Sveavägen 9, 111 57 Stockholm

In some rare cases, something may be invoiced to the association, and then the following applies: Föreningen Kultur & Näringsliv, Sveavägen 9, 111 57 Stockholm

If we receive an invoice addressed only to Kultur & Näringsliv, this invoice will be left without action.

If you have invoice questions, you can email Do not forget to provide your contact information and reference number e.d. for your case.

General questions / matters